
Friday, October 11, 2013

Notes of a Trip in The City of Education - One Day in Yogyakarta

Identity of a nation is determined by how the government and the people maintain cultural heritage given by the ancestors. This can be achieved by keeping and maintaining the old buildings, so that the consistency of culture will be increasingly felt in the area. But not many areas that could do well to regulate all existing systems in order to provide the amenities to the tourists. Only a few places that can make proper regulations and followed  by the entire community, because there are no parties who feel aggrieved by any regulation. One of them is my travel destination. Yogyakarta.


Three days and two nights are not enough to explore all the wealth of culture that exist in this city. I was not in the year 2013 when I was got around the city by a three-wheeled vehicle that I liked, pedicab. I seemed to be brought to decades ago.

I will share my brief experience in the city of Yogyakarta. It  may be contained a little promotion, please being understandable.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A story about Ani and Budi

This is not the usual story you ever read or listen. Something impossible, become possible.

It was starting from a sweltering morning in a capital city. Ani was a student who will be studying on campus one full day. It is unusual for a health&medicine student. She was just an ordinary woman, with ordinary intelligence, and as a woman in general at that age, Ani already has a boyfriend. It's not something special, is it? I told you, this story is different from the usual stories you read, where the main character is the one who stands out, both in terms of good and bad. This story was different. All the things she done were common things. Every morning she went to the campus, with 8-10 credits every day, and then go home to do chores. If she would come home early, she spend her time with her boyfriend.

But that day there was something different. Say, there's a friend named Cipto. When Ani was walking in one of the college buildings, there was a man interested in her, was sitting with his friends in a small dining area on the edge of the college building. He was immediately called someone whom he recognized, incidentally was his junior in high school, and with very coincidentally, he was in the same class with Ani. That man is Cipto, yup, Ani’s friend. Incidentally indeed, but nothing is impossible. At that time he was asked for Ani’s phone number, and he got it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Inspiring Woman

Beberapa saat yang lalu, saya diberikan kehormatan untuk menjadi narasumber di sebuah acara di TVRI Sumbar, yaitu Perempuan. Saya diminta untuk menjadi narasumber dengan tema fotografi. Saya merasa begitu bangga telah diundang ke acara tersebut. Betapa hebatnya jika saya bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi perempuan-perempuan Sumbar dengan kemampuan saya yang terbatas ini. Kemudian saya pun berpikir, siapakah wanita yang telah memberikan inspirasi bagi saya?

Kemudian pertanyaan itu pun terjawab.

Wanita itu bernama Ellyza Nurdin. Sosok yang paling menginspirasi bagi kehidupan saya. Ya, beliau adalah ibu saya. Ellyza Nurdin, yang biasa saya panggil "mama" (atau terkadang dipanggil "mom" atau "mamam"), merupakan orang yang paling hebat yang pernah saya kenal. Saya akan menceritakan sekilas tentang beliau. 

Beliau lahir di Medan pada tanggal 3 Agustus 1961, anak ke empat dari tujuh bersaudara. Beliau dibesarkan di ibukota dan kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di sebuah universitas ternama di pulau Sumatera. Pertemuannya dengan papa adalah anugerah terbesar Allah bagi keluarga ini. Mereka menikah dan dikaruniai tiga orang anak, salah satunya adalah saya.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Autism Can Do Everything

Autism is a condition where a person feels to have their own world. No one can avoid this condition. They say that autistic people can not communicate or socialize with the community. However, the fact is not like that. Children with autism communicate and socialize in their own way. They are normal like ordinary kids. Even every autistic child have an incredible ability than normal people.

That's what I got from my visit to an autistic school in the city of Padang. They go to school and learn like a normal kid, and get the skill education at the weekend. They look very happy and excited. Some of them are great at drawing, counting, create works of art, music, and even cooking.

They can choose the classes they want. However, every week every child gets a turn to enter the class.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Memory of Red and White

Some time ago, I was very bored with life as an adult, so I decided to go back to the elementary school. I chose to visit SD14, an elementary school in Pauh.

This elementary school was destroyed by a powerful earthquake on September 30, 2009. However, someone helped these elementary school, so that they can educate the young generation of this nation again. When I arrived at the school, they are conducting a flag ceremony. That ceremony reminded me of the days when still in elementary school.

A flag ceremony for me at that age is an activity that most do not want to do on Monday. Ceremony under a blazing sun, legs stiff because standing too long, and feels hungry in the middle of the ceremony is the most appropriate reason to run away from the ceremony. But when it was no longer to perform the ceremony, it became one that I miss. In fact, the ceremony is a very important activity to develop a sense of love to this country. The most fundamental lesson that obtained by all students in Indonesia.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Another Toys in The Past

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A great adventure, looking for the lost things in the old house

Some time ago I went to a place called Taruko, with the group Minangkabau Photographers. Once arrived, my eyes immediately fixed on a hill in the middle of the valley with a small tree on top.

It was overcast, so not many photos I can take. However, I decided to enjoy the scenery while enjoying a cup of hot milk in a cafe. From the cafe, all views can be seen clearly.

In the morning, I decided to get around and I came across a large field. Because of rain the previous night, my journey became rather difficult. Rice field soil becomes soft, so I fell a few times, and broke my crocs. Owch! However, it is balanced with what I got. experience.