Some time ago, I was very bored with life as an adult, so I decided to go back to the elementary school. I chose to visit SD14, an elementary school in Pauh.
This elementary school was destroyed by a powerful earthquake on September 30, 2009. However, someone helped these elementary school, so that they can educate the young generation of this nation again. When I arrived at the school, they are conducting a flag ceremony. That ceremony reminded me of the days when still in elementary school.
A flag ceremony for me at that age is an activity that most do not want to do on Monday. Ceremony under a blazing sun, legs stiff because standing too long, and feels hungry in the middle of the ceremony is the most appropriate reason to run away from the ceremony. But when it was no longer to perform the ceremony, it became one that I miss. In fact, the ceremony is a very important activity to develop a sense of love to this country. The most fundamental lesson that obtained by all students in Indonesia.